Walking in Paris

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Our Pearl
Everyone knows that Paris is one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world.

The best way to explore Paris is to walk in and around the city. It's good exercises and no euros wasted for travelling. If you're not in the mood of walking.

Well there are other options to explore the entire city. You can go for skating, bicycling and velotaxi for cheap and Eco-friendly experience, buses, métro, taxi, car and etc for long journey.

Paris is accessible city. Métro and bus stops are everywhere and you can hop anytime you want.

My Advice: When the weather is glorious walking is the best thing to do and it’s free. It’s more enjoyable to walk than going to Métro.

Travel Tips: BEWARE of Pickpockets operates every where. Make sure you keep eye on your belonging.


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